Education in the Early Years
Education in the Early Years Image
Education in the Early Years Mockup

Education in the Early Years


Our Education in the Early Years digital book helps you set your child up for success. By breaking down the skills they will need into appropriate developmental stages, this guide gives you a roadmap of what skills to work on during each stage. This book gives you the confidence that you are working on all of the necessary skills at the right time and setting your child up to thrive.


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What's Included:

This is a digital product that will be emailed to you immediately after purchase.

Starting at babies, and ending at kindergarten, our Education in the Early Years is a complete roadmap that will guide you through each stage of your developing child, listing the skills to work on at each stage. This gives you the confidence that you are setting your child up to thrive, and they will have all the necessary skills to be fully prepared for preschool and kindergarten.

It's never too early or too late to make sure your child has all the skills necessary to be set up for success.

Each Stage Includes Skills To Work On For:

  • Gross Motor Skills
  • Fine Motor Skills
  • Social & Emotional Skills
  • Academic Skills
  • Self-Help Skills
  • 4 Suggested Activities for Each Stage

Also Includes:

  • Developing Fine Motor Skills
  • How to Encourage Independence
  • Technology Use and How it Affects Developing Brains
  • Tips on Encouraging Correct Speech
  • How to Know if Your Child is Ready for Kindergarten at 5, or if They Should Wait Until They're 6
  • What To Do If You are Concerned about a Disability